What is the demonym of Ushuaia? - Artículos de Ushuaia - Ushuaia-Info
USHUAIA-INFO noticias, sociedad y cultura de Ushuaia | Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, Argentina | Lat: 54º 49' S | Lon: 68º 19' O |

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What is the demonym of Ushuaia?

The demonym or gentilic of those who live in Ushuaia

The gentilic of the inhabitants of Ushuaia is ushuaienses. In addition, since they live in the province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands, their provincial gentilic is Fueguinos.

On the Isla Grande of Tierra del Fuego there are two other cities, Tolhuin and Río Grande, whose respective gentilic are tolhuinenses and riograndenses. There is also a population in San Sebastián, on the border with Chile, in which case they are called sansebastianenses.

In the rest of the provincial territory we find the cases of Malvinenses for those who live on the Malvinas Islands and Antarctic for those who reside in the Argentine Antarctic sector.

Finally, by regional belonging, the Fuegians are Patagonian.

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